Limestone Floors

Limestone flooring Cleaning and Restoration Northern Ireland

Limestone is a sedimentary rock which is formed at the bottom of the ocean. It consists wholly or mainly of calcium carbonate. Limestone has become a favourite for architectural suppliers and interior designers alike as an alternate to wood or resilient floors. Professional regular maintenance will be required to maintain its polished appearance. We recommend a low/medium honed finished as opposed to a high shine finish. When restoration is necessary we use a diamond grinding technique which will restore its natural beauty and diverse range of colour. We carry out limestone floor cleaning and restoration throughout both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

See below for examples of our work to restore a limestone floor.

Limestone Floors: Before & After Project 1

Limestone restoration honed finish . After initial inspection it was agreed that we would grind off the top layer of the floor to expose new stone underneath. in-turn this would also flatten out the floor and leave the grout joints level with the finished stone surface. As this limestone floor was quite porous and soft a densifier was applied during the honing process. This will harden the top surface of the limestone making it more water repellent and easier to clean in the future. Once the honing process was completed and the desired finish is achieved we then applied a further water base sealer. this will ensure many years off use and an easier maintience programe.

Limestone Floors: Before & After Project 2

Tumbled limestone satin finish, to restore this limestone back to it former glorey the process involve firstly a deep restorative clean to fully clean the grout joints and any deep seated dirt in the stone. this was then followed by four stage grinding and honing process to achieve the desired finish. It was agreed after small sample that an colour enhancer sealer was used to bring out the golden yellow tones of the floor. the finish is a stunning soft to the eye finish.

Limestone Floors: Before & After Project 3

Dura Limestone Polished finish. With this Dura limestone it was in need off a restoration to rid the floor of scratches and imperfections in the stone surface. the process again started with a deep clean to clean the grout throughly and any deep seated dirt ion the stone surface.This was followed by grinding off old surface and followed by a 8 stage honing and polishing process. finally the floor was treated with inpregnator sealer to ensure easier cleaning and maintenance.
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